Dearest Familia,
Hi. How are yàll doing?
I`m doing well. Thanks for asking.
This week, so much happened.
Here`s a brief recap:
-my companion does not have appendicities. yay.
-my companion was confined to the house all week until
saturday. boo.
-tuesday we went to San Salvador to enter the temple as a
zone for the last time. Love that place.
-I left and visited when I could find members to help us
out. I was very grateful for those hours to be out of the house visiting
-friday we had a reunion para todas las hermanas in the
mission. They asked me to speak. It was really great.
-Then I got all sad when Hermana Spjut was speaking to us
and after speaking in her broken spanish said, "Hermana Wright, will you
come translate for me, for the last time?" (She just had to say "for
the last time" didn`t she...)
-Roberto started drinking again saturday, so naturally
couldn`t get baptized sunday.
-our family that got married a few weeks ago told us they
are going to another church and are disinterested
-But somehow we have had many miracles and I still feel
super animated and ready to rock this last week.
Funny comments from peeps:
We got to Ana`s house I told her how my companion is sick
and so that`s why I`m leaving with members and other companions. And she said,
"Ahhh, y usted es inquieta, no puede estar adentro de la casa por sus
ultimos dias aqui." haha... Yo le dije, "Ya me conoce hermana."
Love that woman.
Oh, and another hilarious story is when we went to visit la
familia Orellana. Well we shared a message with them and hermana Marlene said
the final prayer. Well in her prayer she said, "Padre, por favor bendicela
hermana Wright que al regresar a su casa puede encontrar un buen esposo que la
ama y la cuida y va a ayudarla todo su vida." hahaha...I was trying so
hard not to laugh. And after she finished the prayer I turned bright red and we
all had a good laugh together haha. But it was really sweet actually that she
asked for that in the prayer, but also just so funny.
"photo bombing at tis`best..." |
The story for the week:
Sunday night we had a miracle. We were on our way to visit a
family we`re teaching when my companion started feeling super sick like she was
going to faint. She almost fainted about 3 times as we walked there. We got to
the house of la familia Alvarez only to ask them to take us home in their
pickup as we were at least 30 minutes away walking. We arrived to our house and
the hermana helped my companion inside to lay down.
Then as we stood there on the front porch I asked them why
they haven`t been to church in this month (as they got super disanimated these
last 3 or 4 weeks). We stood there chatting a bit and I felt like we needed to
teach them. So I gave them a chair and started teaching them trying to see what
they were feeling why they were feeling desanimada, what`s been going on this
past month, etc. Basically all the gente talking is what has been affecting
them a lot. We mentioned some rumors that the people say about the church and
one of the ones we mentioned was that "we`re baptized in the name of a
dead person." (which is not true...we`re baptized in the name of the
father and the son and the holy ghost). And that called their attention and
they wanted to know. So I asked them if they had time, they agreed, so I sat on
the floor and pulled out my plan of salvation things and started explaining. My
companion was on the bed with her eyes closed and recovering. And for about an
hour I sat there teaching Giovanni and Carmina the plan fo salvacion, baptisms
for the dead, and how to listen to the spirit and not focus on what others say.
It was amazing! Seriously, I loved it. I feel like tonight changed them. They
were able to remember their feelings. They were able to feel the spirit so
beautifully without 800 distractions that are usually going on in their house.
And they were able to trust in us a little more and try to come out of the
doubts that they had. I feel like we were able to help get them back on the
train again. It will still take a little more, but I think we are on the way. I
know God works in misterious ways, but I think my companion had to get sick so
we could teach them on the porch of our house rather than in their house with a
million distractions and people. Miracle.
I loved it though. I just love teaching people about the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. I didn`t have my companion to help me, but I was so
excited and tried hard to focus on the spirit that I felt fine. I love teaching
the people. I love it. I love teaching them about the restored Gospel of Jesus
Christ. It gets me so excited. And it fortaleces my testimony, and it fills my
soul. It was so much fun sitting on the floor and teaching and explaining so
many things, trying to do so in a manera so simple that they could understand.
I am going to miss this when I leave.
Love this work. Really I do.
Love you all as well. Really I do.
Hermana Wright