Monday, October 13, 2014

Flowers from a drunk...


How´s it going? I hope yáll are doing well in the great US of A. Do you have your halloween costumes picked out yet? I better get some pics in a few weeks with those sweet costumes. 

Update, changes are wednesday. And I am pretty sure I will have changes. A missionary never can be sure...the only sure thing about changes is that you can never be sure. But I feel like I´m leaving, and my companion feels the same way. So I think that is what will happen. Hermana Paredes and I are sad to be separating. But we´ll be friends after the mission, so I´m not worried about not seeing her. We´ve worked like crazy these last two changes and have had some really great times together. We´ll see where I end up. There are two places I might go...Tazumal or Molino. So we´ll see where I end up. 

Man, but saying good bye and farewell to the people is the hardest. You come to love and care so much about them. You learn their secrets, their life stories, and share special times together as we work to be instruments in God´s hands, helping them learn about the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. And it´s incredible. Then to say adios pues all of a´s hard. Man, it´s times like this when I don´t want the mission to end...because I think that farewell at the end of the mission will be the hardest. But enough thinking about that, I still have 7 more months.

"I love this family so much!"
(this is not Blanca's family)

 This week we taught Blanca Vasquez. The last time we taught her she told us that her son is a total drunk, and has been that way for the last 9 months...literally always drunk, he never stops. Well, today we got the opportunity to meet the famous William. It was quite memorable as we were trying to teach her, but he was constantly talking and mumbling and interupting. At one point he left the room and returned with roses for us. Yep, a drunken man gave us roses. I saved mine for memories sake. While there were some amusing moments with him, I really just felt bad for hermana Blanca. It made me really grateful for the commandments and that I don´t ever have to worry about that. 

So about 2 months ago I decided to make a box for my camera, so that I could hide my camera (camouflauge) and take pictures in the super sketchy parts of my area. (oops, I mean, Dad don´t worry, everywhere we go is completely safe and free from harm). Well this week was the first time I used it. The best. We got some good fotos. But we´re going to try using it more today. 

Whenever changes come around, I see a little bit more of the impact I have had on the area. Really it´s not me, because I don´t do much. But the impact God is able to have, by using me as an instrument. 

We visited with a parcial family (part members part non-members) yesterday and they knew that we were going to have changes this week (and we can´t visit with them again until friday), so they were really sincere and thanked us for coming into their home and for our love and everything that we do. The wife said the closing prayer and struggled to finish and get through the prayer as she started crying. The husband, who has been a little tough to help change and repent, thanked God in his prayer for us and our visits, something that we never expected. And while we are going to continue visiting them, this visit with them touched my heart and made me realize that we really don´t know the impact that we have on people. And while I have had various experiences in my life, and I like to think that I´ve made an impact on the lives of various others before the mission, nothing compares to the mission. Because as a missionary, complete strangers let us in their homes. They share their secrets and true feelings with us from the first visit. They confide and trust in us. And we feel the spirit and grow closer to God through various experiences together. And it all happens in just a couple short visits each week. Very little time to be honest. But yet somehow, God uses us to show His grand love and touch the lives of His children in such a short amount of time. And you can feel it´s power. And it is such a privilege to be a part of it.  

"Long story. Outlets fail and I live in El Salvador haha, 
but basically the power is the problem."

This church is true. I love this work. I am grateful for the chance to serve. And I am working to do my best and be the best missionary I can while I am here. 

Love yáll a whole lot!


Hermana Wright

PS  We just got news about cambios...

I don´t have changes. Hermana Paredes is leaving though. Ahh...I´m excited to keep working here, but sad to be separated from her.

Love you! Have a great week! I´m out

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