Monday, July 28, 2014

Peru and Spain...great combination!


Changes this week...and my new companion is Hermana Paredes. She is AMAZING! I am stoked to have her as my companion. She´s from Peru, was born and lived there until she was 12, but then her family moved to Spain, so now she lives in Barcelona. She is really the best and I love her a whole lot.
Hermana Paredes

In the reunion de cambios (meeting of changes... or basically when they met for transfers) the spirit touched me and reminded me how sacred this mission experience is and how amazing it is and how much it really means to me. It really is something sacred. I love it. It´s priceless. And I just want to do my very best every day to be an instrument in God´s hands. But I´m ever so grateful for the chance to be here. Hermana Paredes and I are similar, we both didn´t have plans to serve a mission and we both fought it for a good amount of time. Me, about 9 months, her about 18 months. Well we finally both got here and are ever so grateful. God really does know what´s best for us. 

That brings me me to my next thought. How do you teach someone to have confidence and trust in God more? We have some investigators that know this is true...but are having a hard time trusting in God and taking the next step to be baptized and move forward. Really they need to have a stronger relationship with God, trust in Him, have faith that He really knows what is best and wants to lead us and guide us...but how do you teach someone that? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Now these days, I have thought about those that read my emails or blog that maybe aren´t members of the church, and have various questions regarding my emails. I imagine that one question would be, why do we baptize? Well, while I could give various gospel doctrine based reasons (Matthew 3:13-17, John 3:5, 2 Nephi 31, 3 Nephi 11...etc) apart from that, this is something I know to be true. I know that God lives. I know that He sent His Son to atone for our sins and to suffer and die for us. But also to suffer to know how to support our pains and afflictions and lift our burdens. He wants us to be able to return to live with Him one day, and that´s why He sent His son. To provide us with this opportunity. Now, He isn´t going to eliminate our the choice is ours. He wants us to choose to return to live with Him, and by doing that we follow the principles and ordinances that He has established. We baptize because it´s a requirement to enter in the kingdom of God. And for me, I came on this mission because I know that this is true. I know that God lives and I know that He wants us to return to live with Him. And I want to share the blessings that I have received with the rest of the world. I am who I am, because of this Gospel. Without it I would be lost. But I know who I am because I know that I am a child of God, I know He loves me and I know that He wants what is best for me. So don´t be afraid to ask me questions or write me with questions, I love that. Or feel free to visit Or both. 

Health update: I went to San Salvador today to see a special stomach doctor there. He said I lack some digestive juices in my stomach and intestines and that´s what is causing the pain. He gave me some pills to take to help with that and a special diet (but nothing too crazy). So, I´m on that for the next month and then if I don´t get better I have to see him again. So we´ll see. 

Love you lots!

Hermana Wright
Reunion with Hermana Dominguez on
transfer day. "Love these girls!"

Monday, July 21, 2014

A week of stories... favorite!

It finally rained last night and I got to mojarme (get wet)!! I love the rain on the mission. It`s so refreshing against the deathly heat. And especially these last two weeks it hasn`t rained at all and it`s been excruciating hot. So I was sure grateful for get wet and play in the rain last night. (gotta love her English)

A week with stories...

Presidente Spjut put a rule a few days ago so that every single companionship needs to contact 5 families each day. We`ve really worked to do it and we`ve seen miracles as we have completed it each day. But tonight was just hilarious. First, missionaries are so weird. It`s just how it is. We can`t be normal. That`s why they send us so far away from our we can be weird without shame. But we had 4 families and so lacked 1 and we saw a family walking in the street. We stopped and introduced ourselves but they clearly didn`t want anything to do with us, but we kept following them to contact them ha. They were like, "Have a good night" and we were like, "So what`s your name?" as we`re following them in the street. Then they were like, "We`re going to cross the street." and we just followed them haha. We were total creepers and it was awkward. As we walked away Hermana Chiquin and I just laughed to ourselves at how awkward and weird missionaries are. Good times.


Today the Elders contacted a family and tried to teach them. Back up about 2 weeks, when we found this family and contacted them. They let us in their home and we started singing a hymn to start sharing a message. Well the sancudos (mosquitos or bugs?) were eating me in this house, so I as we were singing I just pulled out my bug spray and sprayed a little bit on my legs, and put it away and we continued singing. Not a big deal. We prayed and shared a message with them and all was well and they told us we could go back, not a problem at all. When we tried going back we never found them. So now fast forward to the Elders who contacted this family and asked if they could let them share a message. The family said no, and then according to the Elder the conversation went something like this, "No, two hermanas visited us a couple weeks ago and I don`t know what it was, but the gringa sprayed some sort of nasty disinfectant in our house, and who knows what that crazy stuff was used for, but it was disgusting and no way, we don`t know what that disinfectant is or what it was used for." 'the Family

"Are you sure it wasn`t the Jehovah`s witnesses" 'Elder Rodriguez, trying to save the situation

"No way, they were definitely Mormons, it was the gringa." 'The family.

Oops. Well I thought it wasn`t a big deal...but seeing how I guess not everyone knows what bug spray is, I am repenting and not going to spray it when we`re visiting with people, as they think it`s some sort of crazy disinfectant and we probably do voodoo or something. 

Last night we made french toast 
in the house of a member with the assistants. Yep,,,that family has money! 

The spiritual:
Tonight we had a great lesson with la familia Sanabria, Julia the hija (daughter) told us about a dream that she had. She said that she went to bed thinking about work or other things, not thinking about the book of mormon or jose smith or any of that. Well she dreamt that she was in a place that was gorgeous...the streets were unbelievable, the buildings de crystal and gorgeous. She described it very well and said that she felt like it was el cielo (heaven). Well as she was in the dream she looked up and Jose Smith was there, he was young and wearing great clothes and appeared in her dream. She said she felt like she heard the voice of Jesus Christ and that this was a respuesta de Dios que eso es verdadera (God's response that this is true). As she was telling us she told us how she felt such joy and tears came to her eyes. She told us that she realized that it might not be so hard to change after all. She told us that she believes this is the true church over the face of the earth. She still hasn`t accepted a baptism date and she didn`t want to kneel with us to pray to ask God. I think because she knows the answer she`ll get. But she`ll be baptized, we`re just trying to patient, but help her realize it`s time.

Tonight we had a pretty great lesson with Claudia. We started teaching lesson 2, el plan de salvacion, and her heart was softened, she started crying as she was talking about how there`s so much difficulty and trials and hardships in this vida (life), and is it really necessary? Is that the kind of God that we have? And we shared a special moment with her trying to help her understand how loving and amazing God is, more about the Atonement, and why it`s necessary to pass through hard ships. There`s still a long ways to go. But as we left she asked us, "when are you coming back?" Then she responded, "Can you come tomorrow?". Yes, we said. And that`s what happens when people feel the spirit...they ask us to come back and ask us when we are going to visit them. It`s really a beautiful thing. 

Pray for Claudia and Julia. They are both so ready to be baptized, but are scared to take the step forward.
Claudia gave me an original
dress from Nicaragua (that's
where she is from).  I love it!


Aside from that we had interviews with Presidente this week, worked to resolve some issues with disobedient hermanas, oh and Hermana Chiquin got news that she`s going to train. So that means she`s not going to be a leader and going to train a newbie. So I will be getting a new companion this wednesday for changes. Woohoo! oops...I mean, so that`s good. Ha, no, I love her, but I am grateful for the change. I`m praying that I get a teammate. Someone with whom I can work together with and we can work as a team and change this area. It needs a lot of help and it has lots of potential...I would just love a teammate to work with me. 

Until next time...

Hermana Wright

PS I think it`s a little ironic how everyone expects me to talk about my struggles and challenges and such...but not everyone loves to write me about theirs...I accept all kinds of letters, so just in case you thought I didn`t, I accept them all. :)

PPS I think there`s been quite a few letters lost that I haven`t sorry if I haven`t responded to some of you who wrote me, because I have only gotten a couple in the past couple months and multiple have told me they wrote me a letter...kinda weird. that`s just what happens when I`m in El Salvador and yàll are in the USA.

"My new best friend."

Monday, July 14, 2014



A week full of ups and downs. (Do I write that every week or what?)

Habits I´ve developed on the mission that mom would never approve of:
-eat everything with your fingers and hands...everything
-wipe dirty hands on your clothes to clean
-don´t shower for 5 days...(just kidding, I shower every day)

Update: So last Monday I got tests done to see if I had parasites. Good news is I don´t have parasites. Bad news is I have an infection in my intestines apparently. They gave me an antibiotic that I took for 5 days and a strict diet, which consists of absolutely no grease, no sugar, and no milk products. So that´s been a boring week with food as almost everything is cooked in oil and everything is loaded with sugar here. But it was kinda nice, we talked to our cook and she made us plain rice and lots of veggies and meat that was cooked without oil. So it´s been good. I´ve actually quite enjoyed lunches on the diet. I´m done taking the antibiotic, but need to take care of my diet well or I could get this crazy bacteria that some missionaries have gotten and some have gone home for it. And I´m not coming home...not until I finish the mission at least, so I´m going to take care of my diet.

The hard stuff: If I´m honest (which I guess is what people want to hear), I felt pretty burdened and frustrated this week with my companion. Her way to go about things is a little difficult as it´s her way, her time, and she´s right. We had interchanges for two days this week and I was grateful for the break. I guess there are some bonuses to being a leader. :) I prayed hard and was looking for ways to get rid of this feeling of resentment, knowing that we could never teach by the spirit if I kept it. I prayed hard and have received more patience and strength than I have in me and was grateful. I´ve looked to remember the good in her and have found more love and appreciation for her and these past couple days have been better. The Lord has helped me see that while I´m doing my best, she´s doing her best also, and while it might be different, we´re both imperfect, trying to do our best and I need to be more patient and loving and see her good qualities, like I did the first few weeks. So I´ve seen a change these past couple days and I do love her. It´s a testimony builder of the Atonement and the role it plays in our lives. Christ is willing to take our burdens, we just have to let Him and hand them over to Him. That is what I´ve worked to focus on and let Him take it from me and I´ve seen the grand difference, things I definitely can´t do for myself. 

And we´re not perfect as people. We´re all imperfect. We all make mistakes. But we need to learn to love each other and see the good in each other, and see others as God or as Christ sees them...that will make everyone a little more happy. It might not be easy, but it just requires a little effort on our part, more prayer, more dependance on the Savior, more patience, and more love.

I´ve felt the biggest desire to play soccer lately. I have only played about twice on the mission, and it´s just a part of my heart, so recently I´ve been craving it big time. One night this week I was frustrated and burdened and as we walked by the church, before returning home, there was almost the entire ward playing futbol in the cancha (field or open area outside). I had ganas para ir y jugar (the desire to go and play)...and in that moment all I wanted to do was go play. I wanted to go change my clothes, and run back to the cancha and start playing. It would help me get my frustration out, I´d enjoy myself, and it´s the game that I love. It was hard just to walk away from that. But maybe one of these days I´ll get to play.

Well, aside from that, we saw some miracles this week as we worked to follow the spirit. We found a new investigator that is super positive, and we only found him by the spirit. We left a house and started walking up the hill. I saw a woman and her son sitting but we kept walking. I felt like we should go talk to them so we turned around and walked back down and contacted her. Well she´s catholic and wasn´t the most friendly, didn´t want anything to do with us. Hmmm...interesting. We started once again to walk up hill and I was thinking, "why did I feel like we should talk to her?" But as we kept walking a guy rode down on his bike and stopped in front of his house when we walked by, so we contacted him and he let us in to teach him. He came to church on Sunday and really loved it. I learned that if we never talked to the angry lady, we never would have talked to him, because he would´ve rode past us on his bike. So I am grateful for the spirit and I am working hard to really rely on the spirit more and let God use me an instrument in His hands, as this is His work, and not mine. It´s hard, but I´m working on it. Poco a poco. (little by little)

I love you all lots and lots! 

Hermana Wright

The only pics I took this week. Meet my new friend...Iguany. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

New Presidente = new cell phone

July 7, 2014 Letter


Last week I cut my hair. I wanted to not cut it my whole mission so it would grow super long...but it was definitely time for a little trim. My curls weren´t curling and it was stringy and gross. And I found a member here who has a legit salon in her house (this family has pisto!...aka money), so I trusted her. 

We got cell phones! Woohoo!! All the zone leaders and assistants have phones, but we never got them as hermanas (discrimination). But now we have them and the district leaders. I think by the end of the year everyone will have one. It´s an amazing new asset...saves a whole lot of time. 

The search for a new house continues. 

This week was a pretty eventful and exciting week. But also full of ups and downs.

On Wednesday, we had our meeting with Presidente Spjut and Hermana Spjut to get to know them. It was just two zones in each meeting and it was really good! Elder Lopez asked me and Hermana Peterson to translate for Hermana Spjut cause she doesn´t speak spanish. Hermana Peterson helped her translate from english into spanish when she gave her talk. Hermana Spjut gave the majority of it, because she had translated it before hand in spanish, so she gave the majority of it in her broken accent and Hermana Peterson helped read scriptures and translate various things she didn´t know. Then when Presidente Spjut addressed us, I sat next to Hermana Spjut and translated from spanish into english. Wow, that was an adventure. First, because I´ve forgotten english. Second, because I´ve never translated before. It was pretty easy to translate when Presidente Spjut was talking, because while he speaks good spanish, it is slower and more spaced out. But he asked for participation and so other missionaries answered and that was harder to translate as they spoke faster. But it was fun, I really enjoyed the challenge and the opportunity. I wouldn´t mind having that chance again and to get to learn and become better at it. And Hermana Spjut told me I did amazing and she was really grateful for the help. 

One of the things Hermana Spjut said to us in our welcome meeting with them, was she talked about the apostles and in Mark 6, there´s a part where Christ sends out his apostles two by two to preach the Gospel and share. Then they come back and Christ recognized that they are tired and hungry and He tells them to go take a rest. When they go out into the desert to take a rest there are people there waiting for them and they have to keep working, and as the people are hungry, that´s when Christ shares the 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread and he blesses it and feeds the 5,000. "Instead of a rest, the apostles got a miracle." And that is the theme of the mission. We work and work and it´s hard sometimes, and oftentimes when we feel like we need a rest, we don´t get it, but we get a miracle instead. Which in turn, is so much better and ever so powerful to see how the Lord knows our needs and is willing and wants to serve and help us. I have seen this principle a million times so far on the mission and I loved it as it´s ever so true. And I will continue to look for and appreciate the daily miracles that I see, as that is what carries us through each day in our lives. So look for those miracles in your lives. 

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! I remember a year ago I was living in Washington D.C. and watching the fireworks from the rooftop of a building in D.C. as they splashed the skyline by the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building. It was a moment of special reflection and gratitude as I sat there and watched and was ever so grateful to be an American and to be blessed with everything I have. America truly is amazing! I hope yáll had a glorious 4th of July and got to celebrate it with a nice BBQ and some good fireworks. Although I think mine might have been better.

We had our consejo de lideres (leaders council) on the 4th and it was a great opportunity to learn from Presidente and su esposa (his wife). Presidente Spjut talks a lot about the Spirit and revelation. He is really a humble man, but powerful. He knows how to rely on the Spirit and He knows and understands what that means. 

Then Hermana Chiquin and I got super lucky and got the opportunity to have Presidente accompany us to visit with our investigators in the evening. He had planned one night to leave and visit with zone leaders and one night to leave and visit with the hermanas de capacitacion. We live the closest to him, so I think that´s why got the opportunity to leave and visit with him. And it was a night I will forever remember. 

We had two visits, that were extremely powerful and full of the spirit. I will share them. 

Our first stop was with Ronald. He is 30 or so years old, single, and lives at home with his parents. We are teaching him, and the elders in our area are teaching his parents, Luis and Carolina. Well Ronald has gone to church and he likes it, he´s reading and praying and he says that he feels like God is responding to his prayers. However, he still hasn´t accepted a baptism date and we believe 
it´s for his father. Because Luis is a little hard and since Ronald is so close to his parents, we have felt like it´s his father that´s impeding his progress as well as his mom´s progress as she really wants to know. There´s a little background so you can understand.

So, we showed up and we visited with Ronald and his father Luis. His mom wasn´t there. We started and Ronald told us how he´s reading and learning about the LDM (Libre de Mormon or Book of Mormon) and he likes it and he feels good and feels like he has his answer. Then Hermana Chiquin started sharing 2 Nephi 25:26, at first I was thinking, "what are you doing? what about our lesson plan?" as that was not part of the "plan". But then I stopped thinking that and started focusing on the lesson and the spirit and what he needs. When we finished we looked at Presidente Spjut as he was thumbing very carefully through his scriptures. He shared 2 Nephi 33:10, but he shared it in a manner ever so powerful. He read it slowly and did pauses and asked questions throughout to be sure that hermano Luis understood the scripture and the point he was trying to make. It was powerful to watch his example and learn from him. He asked Luis if he´s read the BOM and Luis said that one or twice, but that he is really "haragan". Presidente Spjut asked what that means and when we told him it means "idle, or slacker", he responded with a question to Hermano Luis: "Do you think the Lord will accept that answer?". Wow. It was powerful, it was full of the spirit, it was direct, and invited him to change, but in a way that helped him understand the importance of the Lord in his life. Hermano Luis said no, and Presidente continued sharing and committed Hermano Luis to read the BOM. 

As the lesson continued we were trying to commit Luis to go to church with Ronald, but he 
wouldn´t commit. We weren´t sure why, and as we asked him questions, especially as President asked him qeustions, we waited for his responses. There were many times when there was silence in the room, and lots of it, but we let it be silent. We let the Spirit work. And that´s what he needed. He finally responded by saying something to the sort of, "I´m going to give you an answer." and he grabbed the Book of Mormon ever so tightly in his hands. And he said, "I´m going to read this book. And I´ll tell you why. I´m going to read it because the people that have taught me or invited me to read it, their lives and the type of people they are are much better than the people who have told me that I should not read it. And then I´m going to pray to God. And I am sure that He will respond to my prayers. And when he responds and I feel it, I will be in the church every single week and I won´t lack a week." And it was powerful. The spirit was ever so strong and I was amazed. Then Presidente said, "that´s great, I am pleased with that answer". And that´s when we invited him to pray with us right there together, so that we could all kneel together, and that he could offer the prayer and ask God for the answer. We shut the door and knelt down to pray and he started praying. And it was real. It came from his heart and he was really pleading with the Lord to know what to do. He told the Lord that he´s confused, he told him that he wants to know and that he needs guidance. He asked to know if this is the church that´s true, and he pleaded for an answer saying that he will follow it. It was powerful and the spirit was ever so strong. And I was pleading in my heart with the Lord to give it to him, to give him the answer that he needs. After he asked for blessings for us and thanked the Lord for sending us to his home, he finished the prayer and we all remained kneeling. Nobody moved, only hermano Luis raised his hands to wipe the tears from his eyes that were streaming down his face. We remained for a good minute or so kneeling and waited, nobody wanting to ruin the spirit with speaking. President Spjut then spoke and asked him how he feels. He said he feels good. Presidente invited him to read and offer the prayer again and we left. It was powerful.  

Second, we headed to the Familia Sanabria. A little bit about them. Julia is the mom and she has a bad habit of smoking. Julita is the daughter and she is catholic and attends her catholic church regularly with her daughter, Adriana, because Adriana sings in the choir. Hermano Miguel is the husband of Julia and he also smokes. Hermana Chiquin taught them a lot before I came, and then since I arrived we have been, but we felt like we shouldn´t keep teaching them and then we had some answers to our prayers on Thursday that indicated that no, we need to keep teaching them. 

They both said that they feel they have their answers, but that they are scared to do it (be baptized). My companion asked them what their fears are. Hermana Julita is scared because she attends the Catholic church and Julia the mom said smoking and she knows she needs to dejar a hacerlo, but she is scared she won´t be able to. 

When Julita was talking I could only think about my personal experience with the mission and I felt like I should share it, so I did. I told her how I was similar. A mission wasn´t part of my plan and that I wasn´t praying about a mission or asking about a mission when I felt like it was something I needed to do. And I was scared to be honest, because I knew it wouldn´t be easy. And I didn´t want to accept that answer and that feeling so I fought with it for a few months. I told her how it was similar, she hasn´t asked, but she feels she´s gotten her answer, and while she´s scared to accept it. I told her how I finally learned that the Lord wants the best for me, and He´s never led me astray and so if I know that, I needed to confide and trust in him more. So I invited her to trust in the Lord more, and look for what His will is for her and let Him be her guide. 

I shared that without crying too. So that was a good time. 

Later Hermana Julita told us how she´s also stopped drinking coffee. She said one day she got a really bad  stomach ache, and she hasn´t been able to drink coffee since then. She is a coffee aholic, she drank a huge giant cup, like a big gulp of coffee and multiple times a day. Well ever since that day she can´t do it. She´s even bought the more expensive brands to try and see, but no, they all taste super feo (unpleasant) to her. And she said, "I told my mom, the hermanas must be praying for me or something." She knows it´s true. She just needs to confide in the Lord more and not be scared to make a decision.

Overall, this night was unforgettable. And it was an answer to my prayers and also the prayers of my companion. In these weeks, but especially in these days I´ve felt overwhelmeed. I´ve felt a big burden on my shoulder and I´ve felt desperate for ideas and direction as I know we need to change and be better, but not sure how to do it or what to do and at a lost as It´s been hard to work with my companion a little bit. I´ve been worried and overwhelmed and grasping for direction and ideas of how to change and how to be an instrument in God´s hands and how to change this area, as it needs changing. And this night I got my answers. Really, we´ve been trying too hard to do our work, rather than the Lord´s work. We´ve been trying too hard to help them understand all the doctrine and accept to be baptized. We haven´t focued on what the Lord wants and we haven´t let the spirit guide us. I learned really well that the spirit is the key. I´ve always known that, but I think it just hasn´t sunk in these days that that is the only thing we need to change. I watched as President thought carefully before speaking, he thought carefully about what scriptures they need, and he let the spirit work. He let there be silence, and he let the Spirit do it´s work, because he knows that he can´t do it. He knows the only way they are goin to be successful is with the spirit and that´s what we need to do, to create environments and lessons where the spirit can dwell. They need spiritual experiences like the ones we had together tonight. That´s what everyone needs. They need to feel it. And that is what I´m going to work hard to rely and depend on the spirit and to let the spirit work. 

I feel re-energized. I feel relief and motivated to work and I feel like I know how to change and what to change so that we can change this area. I am ready to go and I am working towards this grand goal. I want to be a missionary that teaches by the spirit. I want to rely on the spirit. I want to depend on the spirit. I want to be an instrument in God´s hands to teach by the spirit, and bring the spirit into the lessons and the to help others FEEL it. That´s my goal. And I´m going to work to do it. I going to forget about myself, and rely on the Lord. 

God is real. He lives. He loves us. He answers prayers. He wants to help us. He wants to guide us. And He wants what is best for us. So if we can let Him guide us, that is when we will be happy. When we can trust in Him, look for what His will is for us, and then go for it. If we come to Him with a willing heart and a desire. If we really look for Him, He will guide us and help us. He will answer our prayers. He is always there for us. Oftentimes we don´t let Him guide us as we think we know what´s  best, and because we´re scared. But fear doesn´t come from Him. So let your fear go, let your heart open up to God´s love and His direction. That is when you will find true happiness and joy.

And that Friday was an incredible day. Then Sunday was a rough day. I felt super sick to my stomach...diarrhea and the whole deal, I might have parasites again, but I´m going today to get tests done. But on top of that it was hard working with my companion, she does things in her way and in her time, and its hard to try and know how I can become better and help this area personally, but I have to learn how to do it with my companion. And that´s the challenge which is frustrating at times and especially in this time. But I´m praying for strength and help and I feel your love and prayers. 

I´m stoked to be able to learn and grow from Presidente Spjut and Hermana Spjut. They really are powerful and amazing!

Thanks for everything. I love you guys a whole lot! 


Hermana Wright

Nuevo Presidente y Chihuaha´s

June 30, 2014 Letter


The search for a new house continues. And boy is it a pain ha.

Wood, wood & more wood.

Hermano Santiago...this man is an inspiration to everyone. 
I´ve never heard anyone pray so sincerely and 
he´s so humble and absolutely powerful. 
Was baptized just a month ago. 

 At the beginning of my mission, I remember in the MTC I wrote home and said that a pay for missionaries is letters from home. While yes, those are nice and always accepted and it´s exciting to hear from loved ones at home...I´ve come to realize that the real pay for missionaries is seeing the changes in people. That is what brings us joy and satisfaction and happiness. As we watch the huge and miraculous changes each day in people we meet. Watch as they are converted to God and His restored Gospel. And when those that want to change don´t, because of selfish motives, or unwilling hearts, we´re saddened, knowing they can be so much more and receive so much more. I guess lots of perspectives change when one serves a mission...I´ve learned to see what really, truly matters in life.

Funny story for the week: (or not so funny?)
A Chihuaha (spelling?) bit my face! Seriously! First off, everyone and their grandma has a Chihuahua here...don´t know why. They are ugly and obnoxious. But that´s another thought for another day. Well we were teaching this sweet girl and she had her Chihuahua sitting in her lap during most of the lesson. It was super calm the whole time, not a big deal. Well we finished and I went to say goodbye to her, so I leaned forward to give her a kiss on the cheek to say bye (cause that´s what we do), and as I bent down the Chihuahua jumped up out of no where and attacked me, and sure enough, bit me right on the chin. Nope, sure didn´t see that one coming. Dogbite count: up to 2 for the mission. There wasn´t blood or anything just a little red, but boy was that a shocker. Good times.

This week we got a new Presidente. On Tuesday we had our final farewell reunion con Presidente Cordon, Hermana Cordon, y su hija Sabrina. It was really great and also sad. They are an amazing family and I´m ever so grateful to have had them as my mission president and family. 
Presidente Cordon, Hermana Cordon, y Sabrina

On Thursday night Presidente Spjut and Hermana Spjut arrived! We haven´t met them yet, but we have a couple meetings with them this week to get to know them and he´s going to start doing interviews. I´m excited for the chance to have two mission presidents and learn and grow from them both while I´m here. It is an exciting opportunity.

We did interchanges and I had to direct the area. We got a little lost as I was trying to remember where to go...but then I remember what Presidente Cordon says, "a missionary is never lost, he-she is only getting to know the area". So that was an adventure.

I am grateful for Hermana Chiquin...but she sure does try my patience sometimes. In a way that is completely different than my last companion, but still tries it. I think I´ve felt that way with all of my companions...God is trying to teach me something for sure. Prepare me for my future marriage and family I guess. So I´m grateful for that and the chance to learn and grow. But sometimes I´m over it ha. But then I remember my purpose and I don´t worry or stress about it and it works out. I have learned that if I can´t control the situation or the circumstances, worrying about it won´t change anything, it will just make me unhappy and I take a couple deep breaths, and then I let it go and keep moving forward with what I can do and can control. Welcome to the mission I guess ha.
Green, green & more green all around.

So...I´ve had multiple family and-or friends write me and tell me that they want more details. Some questions or comments I´ve received include the following: How are you doing? what have been your favorite things or experiences so far? I´d love to hear back from you and hear more about your individual growth and thoughts about your mission. I want to hear the uncensored version you don´t share with the family so they don´t worry. The amazing pieces and the struggles alike.

So here is my attempt to write something about that.

First off, the difficulties and struggles. Hmmm...well, I think the difficulties and struggles change throughout the mission. They change for each person and for each period of the mission. Some of the difficulties and struggles that I have dealt with so far include lots of things. First, health struggles, feeling sick to my stomach, whether that be my normal stomach issues or El Salvador caused issued, or the million bug bites, or feeling exhausted and weak, but having to push forward and keep working and moving. When at home I would lay down and take a nap, knowing that I can´t do that, or I don´t want to do that here in the mission. Knowing that my time is the Lord´s time and I don´t want to waste it. I think that´s a minor struggle that comes and goes and is simply overcome by focusing on others and the work and forgetting myself. 

Another struggle or difficulty is hands down companions. It´s the simple fact, you take two complete strangers, different backgrounds, cultures, etc, put them as companions, living, eating, sleeping, talking, teaching and doing literally everything together...they need to work together in order to have success...and no matter their similarities or differences there are bound to be struggles and difficulties. I have had struggles with each one of my companions, and each one is completely different, and trying in different ways and different levels. Struggles of patience, learning to know how to support or deal with emotions or actions of another and to love another. Struggles of humility, taking criticism and correction and taking the good out of it to move forward and improve oneself, rather than get defensive and prideful. The struggle of communication, knowing how or what or when to say something. Learning to work together, and do things in the ways that another may want and not what you want to do. I could make a grand list of struggles and difficulties with companions. But from each one, I am grateful for the things that they taught me and the ways I learned and grew throughout the time together. Be patient and loving with others. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes, and if we could all just love each other a little more, I think that would help the world a whole lot.

Other difficulties include struggles with the work and individual growth. Wanting to see certain results or certain fruits, but not seeing it. Individual growth includes being too critical, or knowing where is the balance in trying to improve and be better, but also having patience with myself. Individual growth such as learning to really depend on the Lord, and not on myself, knowing that He´s the one in charge and He gets it. Knowing that if I can learn to depend on Him and let Him be in charge, that´s when I will have success. Knowing that if I can really follow and be in tune with the Spirit, I´ll be successful in doing His will. But then trying to find that "in tune" and learning how to recognize answers and guidance is the struggle. 

Overall, I don´t know how to sum up my "individual growth" in a short email. I don´t know where to begin or where to end. It´s hard to pinpoint every little way that I´ve learned and grown. 

Overall, if there are a few things I could sum up, it would be that I have learned more about the purpose of life, and our purpose here on this earth at this time. And while I´ve understood this throughout my entire life...I think now I just get it a little more.  
On top of that I´ve learned more about God and His Son Jesus Christ. I´ve learned more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how much love God has for each one of us. I´ve learned more about how really, we can´t do it. We can never do it all. But we were never meant to do it all. And that´s the beautiful thing. That´s why we needed Christ. We needed a Savior because we´re imperfect, and we fall, everyday. And so only when we can rely on Him, and learn to apply His sacrifice to our lives, only then will we be able to carry the trials and struggles and be happy. 

Overall, I´m doing well. I´m happy. I´m tired, and working hard, and trying to do my best to please the Lord. And the more I try to do His will and let Him guide me, and the more I work and focus on others, the more I am amazed at how good God really is. 

Overall, this work is great. I love it. Life is great. So enjoy it. Enjoy the little moments. Enjoy the miracles you see each day. And choose to be happy. We´re here to be happy, so be happy. Don´t fret over the little things, or worry too much. Be happy. 

Love yáll to pieces! The church is true. Don´t ever forget that. 

Hermana Wright